From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Happy #2

My boy again.

We don't watch much football in this house. Consequently my son has very little idea about the basic principles, and little clue about how to join in. I'm in two minds about how much this matters, but I am aware that it's starting to be a Big Deal for some of his friends at school, and that this is only likely to increase in the years ahead. So I thought we could at least try to watch the FA Cup Final together.

Key questions were resolved at the start:
"Who are the reds?"
"They're Arsenal. They come from London, near where granny grew up."
"Who are the stripy ones?"
"They're Hull City. They come from Hull."
"Oh. And who are the ones in black and green?"
"They're the referee and linesmen."
"And whose side are they on?"
"Well..... They make sure everybody plays nicely."
"Ok. We want the London team to win, don't we?"
After ten minutes, he was getting a bit cross with how things were going. After 20, he was a little happier, but losing interest. At half time he went out to the garden to kick his own ball about for a bit, but on coming back inside opted to pick up his library book. He was roused to a cheer by me informing him of the second Arsenal goal (hence this picture), but soon went back to his book. At the end of 90 minutes he had finished reading and declared himself ready for bed.

I did let him know the final score. He seemed pleased. It's a start.

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