'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
There was no sound from me this morning.
I was unashamedly bleugh.
I rose at 7, stumbled downstair for a coffee, and a painkiller; noticed a "We tried to deliver" in the letter box", and staggered outside to the shed where said parcel had been deposited.
I really hope the neighbours were not up at that time in the morning, to capture me waddling to the shed with a towel for cover!
Back in the sanctuary of bed, and with medication I drifted off again. Slleep came easily, and snuggling beneath the duvet was a pleasure.
At 1230, the phone rang, and I rose again, more clear headed this time, and bounded... no not bounded but no stumbling this time, Nant was on the phone to tell me of her broken car.
Beloved rose and made me scrambled eggs and a coffee and together we headed into the town to have our heads sorted. I quite liked his quiff, but he was having none of it. I have heavy hair... in humidity I am Crystaltips. It was lovely and relaxing in the hairdressers,and I dozed off a couple more times, before it was time to step into the wind and drizzle.
This evening has been spent, dozing and watching blah blah on the telly. I'd say an early night, but as it is past eleven that is a lie.
The way I have felt all day reminds me why my socialising is kept to a minimum... my poor 44 year old body can no longer tolerate copious amounts of alcohol and late evenings. But hey- it was well worth it, and highly entertaining. The Lovely Clauds raised over £550 for McMillan Cancer... the very last of her guests left at 5 am, as the sun was rising.. and someone kidnapped her kettle.
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