When the Tide Goes Out & Lost Petrol Cap

When the tide goes out from this part of the river.....there is so many weird and wonderful things.....Slabs of concrete bits of boats and so on........I wonder why people dump their stuff in the river like that.
To me its a bit like sweeping stuff under the carpet when guests come over and having to walk over lumpy carpets.....'oh there is something under the carpet what is it ....OHHHHH!'

I forgot to put my petrol cap on when I filled up with gas today...I went back to the petrol station and asked if anyone had handed it in ..."No'......'OK can I buy another?' 'No'....'Do you know where I can buy one'? 'No'.
Bloody useless....I thought of ages ago when one went to fill up with gas and someone came out with a smile washed your windows checked you oil and tyres .....Ahhh! those were the days....I sound old dont I?

“It's not much of a tail, but I'm sort of attached to it.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Stitched Panorama

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