Mutual Admiration

Here is a portrait of two of my best friends.

Rumi loves Zom but.....sometimes I think Rumi is too ....well ....doglike for Zom.

Spending time with Zom is never boring...not only is she an excellent Artist (in the classical painting way) she has a very rich inner world ....very compatible with mine....and we enjoy each others landscape.

Today we enjoyed our weekly catch up and walked along the was a beautiful afternoon.
When I am putting my camera into my bag to take to the beach I always think to myself.....there are only so many pics one can take at the beach.......and then when I get there I remember that no two days are the same and there is always so many good things to snap.

Another by Rumi (not the dog)

Mistakes are the entrance of discovery.

Or as a dear friend of mine says "turn you f**k ups into features"

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