
By JanPatienceArt

Inside Matisse's Chapelle du Rosaire

But this an exterior shot I hear you say...
Let me explain.
I first became aware of the Chapelle du Rosaire in Vence in the south of France when Alastair Sooke profiled Matisse as one of the great Modern Masters on the BBC a few years ago.
I like the way Alastair Sooke talks about art and I have always liked the work of Matisse, although I was completely ignorant at the time about this chapel.
I was touched by the way Sooke was moved to tears by the experience of being in this intimate little space. Matisse designed the chapel in his old age as a thank you to the Dominican nun who cared for him in his infirmity.
Matisse said: 'I want those who enter my chapel to feel purified and relieved of their burdens.'
My husband birthday present to me on my significant birthday a couple of months ago was a long weekend trip to Vence to visit the chapel.
It lived up to expectations and more. Visitors are not allowed to take pictures inside the chapel. I took this picture on the way out.
The simplicity of this chapel coupled with a deep sense of almost subliminal beauty is what moves those who pass through its walls. In my humble opinion...
PS Now sitting by the pool reading Sooke's Henri Matisse: A Second Life

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