Happy 1st Birthday Theo!

I can't believe my little bear is 1 today! Or, as my sister put it, 'I can't believe it's been 12 months since I had a full nights sleep'!

He's grown so much and has developed such a cheeky little character....he's adorable.

We got him a sandpit/paddling pool for his birthday, which he tried out yesterday. Of course the sand went straight in his mouth (as do most things....see photo)!

Mummy & Daddy have bought him his first pair of shoes, plus the cute little pair of Nike trainers (that he's trying to eat) in the photo.

This is good timing as he's discovered walking this week, which he proudly showed off (complete with tongue sticking out for concentration) while we were there.

We paid an early visit; it was decided he's too young to appreciate a party so they were having a day out instead.
This gave us time to enjoy our Sunday too.

Have a great day blipmates :-)

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