Good Times Never Seemed so Good

What a great day!

Early start heading first to Grangemouth to pick up Scott, dropped Breagha off at her other grandparents in Glasgow, then headed east to Parkhead, along with half the population of Perth it seemed to the Scottish Cup Final with our team St Johnstone against our Tayside rivals Dundee United (yes BBC, there was more than 1 Cup Final taking place today)!!

We are just a small city and this past week the High Street has been all decked out in the football colours, shop windows showing messages of support for the team, community spirit at its best:). Our football club is well run and managed but they have never one a major cup in all their 130 year history. But today was the day and the team was well supported vocally and with all the flags and scarves waving proudly. It was a real family affair too with lots of families with young children there to enjoy the spectacle. It was a real carnival atmosphere. Fabulous too that it was two teams from outwith Glasgow or Edinburgh that were taking part in the Final.

Anyway, we won!! Two goals scored and the noise all around was deafening - it really was such a fabulous experience. When the final whistle went I saw grown men crying and hugging each other with the joy of seeing their team winning.

Another great moment was a giant sing song after the cup was paraded to the fans with the manager joining in as well to Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond - Good Times never seemed so good :). My dad would have loved today - he was a lifelong Saints supporter...

Well done the Saintees - looking forward to the parade through the town tomorrow :)

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