A lie down protest!!

This rather mucky pup didn’t want to walk on the lead!! Pleased he wasn’t ours and wasn’t getting into our car.

Having spent the last couple of nights at D’s in Worcester, we left this morning to meet up with R & P, and the dogs in Bewdley. We spent time walking in the Wyre Forest, a favourite haunt of Nan and Granddad (B’s parents). We said our final farewells to them and know that they are in the place they wanted.

Then on to a pub for lunch. We sat out in the garden so that the dogs could join us, too hot to be in the car. Plenty of chat to catch up with the news, as we haven’t seen R & P since our trip to New Zealand. Quality time!!

Great Tit family in our nesting box.
There are 4 of them looking very lively and keeping the parents busy.

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