BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

F*CK YOU....


Bib/Bridget/Bridge/Bibby, take your pick as we use all of these names for the lovely lady in todays blipfoto, as we sit around the garden table enjoying the first BBQ of the year.

Bib (as I call her) lost her hair after Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in the last year for brain and lung cancer. She has the right attitude (see title) towards life as you can see from this picture. She knocked on the door wearing this bright pink wig as if it was the normal everyday thing to do, we all laughed as she came in and we've not stopped having fun all day.

Tony (girlfriends dad) takes charge of the BBQ and has a Popatone Chefs hat which he cooks in normally and I had set my heart on this being my image for today. We couldn't find said hat and when Bib turned up in the wig it was a game changer. I have ate like a king all weekend and really need to start being healthy on Monday.

I've heard some sad news over the past week or so but this weekend has made me really appreciate what I've got in my life. The future for all of us is uncertain but we can all cherish the seconds, hours, days and years we have as friends and family.


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