
By elleelle

The Sun Setting on 2009

At the last minute, I decided I wanted to get a sunset shot. Because my town is so flat and heavily wooded (well, not nearly as much since the last 2 hurricanes), it is hard to get a clear view of the sunset. I usually see the sky best when I am driving on I-10, but have found it to be too dangerous to take pictures then. Thankfully, in Texas, you are not usually far from a country road. I rushed out minutes before it set. The clouds were pink and blue swirled cotton candy. I was so close to making it, but missed it by a minute or 2. I did, however, find a place I would like to shoot in the future. I didn't have my tripod with me, so I couldn't get a good shot at the time. You shall see it soon...probably after Liz has returned from Austin and can tell me how to do it well.

This was out my car window at the last stop light I had to go through to get to open road.

Tonight was also New Years Eve. I stayed home. I am trying desperately to get well before I return to work Monday. I was awake when midnight hit, but I had been in bed for 3 hours. It doesn't really feel like a new year to me, yet. Maybe once school starts again...

On a brighter note: I went to the doctor today. I didn't realize until I got there that I still had a fever. I guess being in respiratory distress for 2 weeks can take a toll on the body. I got some new steroids and am already starting to feel better. Hooray! I might have to be on the roids for a few months, but I don't even care at this point. I would just like to breathe. Hopefully I won't get roid-rage and strangle a child.

To anyone concerned for the safety of the children: The steroids I am taking do not actually cause Roid-Rage. There is 0% risk that I will actually strangle a child--- just in case an administrator happens to stumble upon my journal.

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