'Mid-point' Chapel
This is actually Waddesdon Hill Chapel and is pretty much the mid-point of my route from home to work. It is a relatively un-inspiring building but I have been meaning to grab a few shots for many years; the inspiration for today came form the May Challenge word of 'mid-point'.
Waddesdon Hill Chapel was built in 1792 at the expense of Francis Cox for use by Particular Baptists. Being no longer required for its original purpose, it was acquired through the generosity of the descendants of the original donor and the Buckinghamshire Historic Buildings Trust Ltd, and presented in 1986 to the Friends of Friendless Churches. These 'Friends' were founded in 1957 to save historic but redundant places of worship.
The Chapel is not open very often but there is a phone number for someone with a key for those who want to view inside. There is one relatively new grave in the graveyard of a youngish man born 1965 and died 2007, so there will be a sad story behind that one.
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