Cycling Tree

I've blipped this tree numerous times, always in different seasons, so I feel it's ok to blip it again now. I had a meeting at McMinnville High School this afternoon, so I had Tom take me and my trusty Cannondale up to the school, and I cycled home.

I was asked to serve on a committee to select the high school teacher of the year. It comes in the name of a former colleague of mine, Deb Bakner, an outstanding math teacher who died in 2006 of breast cancer. Deb was the consummate teacher: no nonsense, no frills, nothing fancy - she just taught and cared for her students like no other. I was fortunate in 2011 to receive this award, but it was an award I honestly have never felt I deserved. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the time today sifting through the nominations and making our selection.

So back to this tree. I've seen little of this old oak since I retired from teaching, but nearly every day I while I taught, I commuted by it, whether in four wheels or cycling by on two. On a few days it was clear and sunny like this, but more times than not it was rainy or foggy or just plain dark when I passed by. But whether I was on my way to school in the morning or cycling home at night, I had teaching on my mind in some way. I was either thinking about the teaching day upcoming, or what had succeeded or failed in the classes of the day.

I was fortunate to have a career that stretched full length. My friend and colleague Deb, did not. We don't know why things work out this way, they just do. So most of the way home on the bike today I thought about Deb, what an excellent teacher she had been, how lucky I was to know her, and how her legacy lives on even after her passing.

So this blip, the afternoon, the ride, and the tree today were all for Deb. I wish you all could have known her.

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