Wishful Thinking.

When i was having my meal last night, i developed a migraine. I took two tablets and went to bed, and stayed there till this morning. I still felt rough when i got up but managed a bagel and a coffee. I started to get dressed but could feel the migraine coming back , so i went back to bed . I got up about 2 0' clock and felt like some fresh air, so we drove to Southerndown. I had a little walk and still don't feel 100%. I took a few photos, so thats all that matters. No wine for me tonight, that's for sure. My granddaughter phoned me earlier to say she has an interview for a Saturday job. It's tomorrow afternoon so i hope she is gets it. She likes the job she has, but as she was employed as Christmas staff, they get rid of you in June, and maybe re-employ you again in October. It's a shame, as she doesn't want to leave, but now has a taste of earning her own money.

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