
By magpie

Unsafe Landing

Spent the morning lazing around after a sleepless night, then played hunt the cars with the neighbours following another heavy snowfall overnight. We also shovelled the steps and path to avoid any unexpected visits to A & E. Positive.... positive... it's very pretty and doesn't happen that often... I may change this if it goes on much longer.

I then snaked my way south to the castle where their lordladyships entertained daughter #1 and myself in style. Lady Findhorn claimed that she bought her rather delicious mince pies from Waitrose (posh to the end) but I suspect they were home-made. She also tried to steal my camera - it's interesting how the wealthy seem to enjoy ill-gotten gains, isn't it?

Anyway, we had a lovely afternoon chatting while I took advantage of the long heater to dry off my socks after the trauma of the trans-Siberian trek to get there in the first place.

Only one more day off? Ridiculous.

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