Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Slàinte Mhàth!!

Here's to the members of my adult choir who sang their hearts out at practice this evening.

Here's to Rachel (1st. left) who leaves us to go to a job in London - poor wee soul.

Here's to good friends, and good drink, and a great laugh which we all had tonight.

Here's to Elizabeth (2nd. left) & husband John, for whom I played Bach's Prelude in C for their moving wedding 26 years ago today.

Here's to John who had a beautiful meal waiting for us when we got home from Choir.

Here's to an old friend, Katie, who picked up the phone tonight and got in touch with me after 15 years; we meet tomorrow for lunch.

Here's to my friend Rob; I found out tonight that he left this world on Sunday night, and left a great family and many friends.

A bitter-sweet day, but more sweet than bitter.

Slàinte Mhàth, a h-uile dùine!! (Good health to eveyone!)

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