From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Not quite heavenly....

No disasters this morning. I slept until the alarm went off just before 5 which was good. I won't tell you what time I went to bed at. It's so ridiculous! I thought 'I'll only watch half an hour of this....' as I had seen it umpteen times before and have the deluxe special edition DVD...blah...blah... So what happened? I ended up watching all of my favourite film 'The Shawshank Redemption' again. How dare those inconsiderate sods put that film on at that time?! Oh well...

There was no dancing in the shower today. My knee is a very interesting combination of colours but it feels OKish. There wasn't anything I felt like jigging to anyway. I was too tired after my ridiculous late night!

Mercifully, it was a very busy day and I was up to my eyeballs with new starters' setting up and a load of people needed setting up with travel expense claiming. I prefer it when it's busy especially when I feel like nodding off. Tesco Man came on the dot of 10am but I didn't put anything away properly for at least an hour which was OK for the fridge stuff but my Magnum ice creams were packets of ice cream soup by the time I got round to it.

I had no time for bird watching today at all until after I'd logged off but I heard constant squawking and the soft thuds of the little bodies bouncing off the kitchen window all day. No wonder that window just won't keep clean!

The picture is off a little chap trying to get something to eat while his dad had the prime location on the new insect suet cakes I got from Amazon at the weekend.

Go large for this little chap..

When I had finished work, the heavens opened when I'd only taken a few pictures including today's. The weather is supposed to be reasonable tomorrow so hopefully I'll pop down the canal for a picture on the way back. Anyway, I must go. I have Happy Valley and The Vikings recording and I want to watch something at 10 and then go to bed at 11!

Track? One from Joe Bonamassa today - Heavenly Soul

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