From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The Roman baths (without an orgy)...

It was a beautiful morning and I was awake at 3:52am. I was seriously tempted to get up and walk to the council house, get an egg muffin from McDonalds and then walk back to start work from home! Yes, yes I know that would have been bonkers but these are the sorts of things that go through my tiny mind at stupid o'clock. Just as well I fell asleep again before I had any more bright ideas. I was virtually in a coma when the proper alarm went off an hour and a bit later.

I bashed my knee painfully in the shower jigging about to today's track trying to wake myself up. This isn't the first time I have done this daft thing. Mercifully, I haven't damaged the wall. I can cope with limping about for a couple of days with a clicky knee. People might think I have a false leg. Mind you, if I did have false legs I'd have picked better ones than these knitting needles.

I had originally planned to go across the country park again towards the airport but there was no way I could have done that after my knee bashing. Just as well really as I heard on the radio that two brothers (27 and 42) had been attacked by a group of cyclists at 8:15pm yesterday on that very park. The men were both beaten up badly and were taken to hospital. Wandering over there with my camera on my own even in the middle of the day has suddenly lost it's appeal somehow....

No point dwelling on it I suppose. I'll just have to walk somewhere else. Work was fine and the day had vanished before I realised it. I'll leave my new starters until tomorrow to set up.

Today's picture occurred not long after I'd refilled the bird bath. As it was another hot day, the birds clearly loved it. It definitely put me in mind of a scene from a history book of Roman baths!

Go large!

Track? Here is my knee bashing number from The Bellamy Brothers - Let Your Love Flow

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