Writer's Block

By writersblock

Happy New Year!

The best part about staying at the cabin was the complete lack of cellular and internet service. We were cut off from the world and after a few days I didn't feel so desperate to check my work e-mail and finally just relaxed and enjoyed life at a slower pace.

On New Year's Day, we spent a mellow and quiet day at the cabin. I napped and read and knitted (I got A LOT done on my wedding shawl!). In the afternoon, we started getting cabin fever so we ventured back to The Snowshoe. Over a few pitchers, we played "Catch Phrase". The girls team clearly over powered the boys team time after time, so we switched and played couples which made it more even.

The point of the game is to get the other person on your team to guess a phrase without using any of the words in it before the buzzer goes off. I had to laugh at R's attempt to explain the phrase "Mud Wrestling" to Kalani: Two girls with big boobs in the dirt and water. Not suprisingly, K got that one pretty quick. Nice one, R!

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