Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Ice as art.

Took this just outside my parents house at the bottom of their hill. I have no idea what's made the ice warp like this so if anyone has any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them. :) Thought it looked really pretty though. :)

Driving today was absolutely trecherous. When I went out to clear my car there was about 4 inches of snow on my windscreen so I sat for a VERY long time to let the car heat up.

I live near Kinnaird Park and couldn't believe some of the parking I saw. People were just abandoning their cars on the side of the road like usual, but because of the snow piling up by the pavement they were about a foot away from where they should have been! And since people (read: idiots) were doing it on both sides of the road there was only enough room for one track of cars to pass through the middle. How someone leaves their vehicle like that and doesn't expect it to get dented or banged into is beyond me. Felt my ABS lock quite a few times which is never a nice feeling but my lovely wee car managed to get through okay. I always worry because it's an automatic so I have to use my brakes to slow it, but it's always kept me well. :)

Just back home now after dinner with my family and going to have a nice relaxing chill out evening. Tomorrow is another day with nothing on the schedule before I go back to work. I could get used to this. ;)

Oh PS. I also backBlipped for the last few days:
My godawful journey down South...
A nice relaxing day in Cambridge
London: City of culture and on-holiday schoolchildren...

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