
By MummaHen

Turtles beach

Did see a couple of turtles while swimming today. One quite large 60 cm plus another a bit smaller. They tended to move quite quickly. Masses of people looking also. Then a squall struck, wind heavy rain thunder and lightning. Was fine in the water, and did not last long. Lovely lunch after that - lime and chicken soup then kebab of shrimp bacon fish and onions. Tasty. But spoilt my appetite for the evening meal

I like the palm leaf shadows in this photo, the clusters of swimmers and the retreating

Also visited the Tulum Aztec ruins. Once this port had a privileged community by coast with cooling breezes, and fish ( food but also religious importance), and control of trade from Caribbean and Pacific! The reefs goes for thousands of K I think but there is a break here. The Yucatan peninsular sits on a large flat coral base covered with limestone. Travel across it is pretty boring. Low scrubby trees for mile after flat mile. Rivers are basically underground with sink holes or Canotes interconnecting the underground water. We swam in one of these yesterday, access via about 130 steps carved into limestone. They were also used for water for irrigation, and some for religious ceremonies. Some have a number of skeletons.

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