
By MamaOfBoys

My sick baby

Marley hasn't had a good week at school.

He's not wanted to do his writing, he's misbehaved a lot. Yesterday i was concerned so I went to see how he was going, as i arrived he had started crying, his teacher said that he had been saying only minutes before that he wasn't feeling well. He felt hot and was a teary mess so I took him home, he stayed on his bed all afternoon building lego, he was really quiet.

He seemed ok today so I sent him to school. His teacher figured out that she thought doing writing first thing was the reason for his unsettledness as it used to be reading first then writing but she changed it so today she changed it back and he had a great day until lunch. Bingo she hit the nail on the head.

He didn't go back to class after lunch, his teacher went looking for him she called out for him, he cried out to her. He was in the toilet sobbing, saying he wasn't feeling well, it's the first time he's had a bowel motion at school but unfortunately it was diarrhoea so they called me to come get him.

He was on the couch all afternoon watching finding Nemo, he barely ate dinner and fell asleep really quickly. He has a doctors appointment tomorrow for flu jab and blood tests but this conveniently has slotted in at the right time so I'll get him checked.

I'm getting better, have not done much the last two days, i think the sudden consuming of vitamin c has helped but I still feel exhausted and run down. The weather has been on my side though so I'm glad for that.

Off to bed so until tomorrow.

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