I see dolphins :-)

And so much more.

After our lovely day at sea, we headed for the Westmann Islands, a group of tiny islands off the South of mainland Iceland.

En route, we did see a large pod of dolphins and, although this wasn't my best photo today in technical terms, it started the excitement.

Weather was wonderful and we were clear to dock at Heimaey. Several other passengers had tried previously but the approach is so narrow, you can't always get in.

We did, passing bird cliffs and our first glimpse close up of the volcano which erupted in 1973 without warning. Everyone had to be evacuated and with help, the town was rebuilt. We saw where the lava spread to and we walked part of the way up the volcano itself.

The views were terrific and this island has made such an impression on me.

We could see Surtsey clearly. This volcanic island appeared from nowhere in the sea close to Heimaey. It is a nature reserve and nobody is allowed to land there as they're studying how life develops on such a phenomenon.

A superb day.

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