at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Artist at work

I got Ivy weighed today- for the first time EVER it was good news. She went up a centile (she's been either falling through them or plateauing since birth). She's now just about the 4th centile- it's now wonder she's putting on weight considering she goes through almost a pint of double cream a week.

This photo is of her finger painting with food coloured yoghurt. Taken before she realised she could rip apart and eat yoghurt soaked paper....

She's been much less clingy today- maybe we'll be back to her sleeping through most of the night *fingers crossed*. My back is still really sore after Ivy tried to do away with me yesterday, so she's been travelling in her pram instead of the carrier for the day. Probably a good thing with all the rain. What wasn't so good was taking her to Tesco- I've never seen it so busy and with so many numpties standing in stupid places to have converstations. I can't really judge though- I did have a pram in a supermarket afterall.

Another dinner where Ivy feed herself beautifully. We made her meatballs. Pudding was proper custard made with eggs, mashed with rasberries. She LOVES pudding- as soon as a second bowl appears at dinner time she's desperate for it. I offered her a look inside her bowl to see the rasberries and pick one out to eat (she likes to do this with savory food), but instead of looking in the bowl she tried to drink from it - she clearly remembers last nights overly runny sauce in a cup. Euan atually let her eat from the bowl, and she buried her head in and made gobbling sounds somewhat like a pig with it's nose it's a through. It was hilarious- but it's a habit I'd rather she wasn't in, we're already worried about how we're going to wean her off the cream when she's reached the weight centile she's meant to be in.

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