at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

It's twins!

A great day today (although I'm now exhausted). I got to hold willow, who is now breathing air all by herself, for the very first time. She's suffering from morph one withdrawels so is judder u and she's very puffy from fluid retention still - but she felt like a warm , healthy baby in my arms. She's distinctly heavier than briar (but lots of that is fluid retention). The lovely nurse helping us, suggested I hold briar too. That was a bit stressful, trying to keep them from going in opposite directions. briar, who hadn't been fed for at least 45 minutes decided she was starving, and latched onto her sisters wrist support. I doubt she'll be smaller for long.

The other exciting thing that happened was we got moved into family accommodation across in the children's hospital. We're going to be far more comfortable AND we can get ivy back! We know it'll make being here and caring for Briar more challenging, and that it'll totally mess up her routine - but we just couldn't wait to have her back with us.

Since we're not being fed by the nhsanymore, went out to lidl to buy ourselves some food. Made sure to get Ivy her porridge, in almost every conversation we have had with ivy since she's left she's told us about porridge.

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