autumn joy

By autumnjoy

evolutionary theory of mermaids

people talk a lot about progress. and evolution.

well. i dont believe in progress. but i do believe in evolution. the evolution of mermaids.

we went to the museum of science and industry today and saw an imax on the human body. the commentator was explaining how babies know to hold their breath under water until 6 months of age. furthermore, they know to kick their arms and legs in controlled and helpful motions - something they cannot do out of water. ill admit, this is a pretty fascinating bit of information.

but what is more stunning are the reasons why. the commentator suggested first that perhaps it indicated we were evolved from an ancient ancestor that could swim in the water, and that it is a residual of that. OR, but apparently less likely, it is left over from the child being in the womb.

i think we all know which is more likely.

the evolution theory.

but here's what i propose. we did not evolve from some water creature, rather we are evolving into mermaids. MERMAIDS.

and so in my final two weeks of holiday i shall endeavor upon charts and theories. which include, but are not limited to: the loch ness monster.

i will keep you posted on my theoretical developments.

((also, it's been one year with blip this day))

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