A symphony in green

This must be the only part of Arduaine Garden where no colour other than green is visible. The rest of the garden is as colourful as I've ever seen it in 22 years - absolutely magical!

This is the Heron Pond, backed by a huge specimen of Griselinia littoralis, a large shrub from the seashores of New Zealand. Even the flowers are green! Beneath it is a big group of Lysichitum americanum, yellow spathes over and done, and behind that a spread of the native Royal Fern, Osmunda regalis.

The surface of the pond is covered with the native 'Brandy Bottle', Nuphar lutea, a lily with small yellow flowers held on stalks above the water.

If people ask why there is no colour, the answer is 'Green is a colour'!

In the background is the newly built bridge, awaiting a coat of wood preservative.

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