litl hikes

By litl

the garden centre

From the highs of yesterday's blip (my most favourited - click here if you missed it) it's back down to earth. This is a photo of some lupins and other flowers in the garden centre but there's a story attached. Read on if interested.

I'm home alone today. Fantastic:) One day a year (polling day) when I'm guaranteed the house to myself from 6.15 am until after 11pm. I can play my favourite music as loud as I want, have a glass of wine with lunch, leave all the washing up until bedtime etc. It's also a day when I seem to be accident prone. Step ladders toppling over with me on, the garden bench collapsing while standing on it to cut the hedge, and in May 2012 I twisted my ankle so badly I nearly passed out. So, no gardening, fell walking or other potentially hazardous activity today. A gentle flat stroll to the garden centre instead.

Thanks to everyone who got my barn to number 10 in the spotlight today.

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