Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Poor Granny

My poor granny hasn't been well lately. Yesterday I got a call on my lunch break to say she'd been taken into hospital with a suspected blood clot in her arm. They were going to operate this morning. I was due to be coming home today anyhow so work gave me some leave and I was down in Carlisle in time to catch visiting hours.

I wasn't sure what to expect but we were greeted by a happy, smiling face, not one of a woman on death's door. They hadn't operated but are keeping her in until they're happy that the heparin has cleared it. We stayed and chatted for an hour, she filled us in on all the comings and goings on the ward and how they had or hadn't been treating her. She struggles to eat a lot and having missed meals yesterday, I popped to the shop and got her some biscuits and sweeties to keep her going between meals.

We checked she had a photo for her blip and then started on our own. Granny isn't keen on having her photo taken but clearly she's unwell as she didn't put up a fight, she even pulled a silly face as her hair was combed and I tested my camera settings.

It was lovely to see her on good form.

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