Bad Day At The Office.

2nd day of a throat like sandpaper.
The Cygnet has been very teary as he is obviously not feeling 100%.
However, it is squirrel who really takes the biscuit for being under the weather.
When she got up all she wanted to do was sit on my lap, cuddle in and take comfort from her favourite soft toy.

Things picked up slightly when we went to get some supplies for the cat and the kids had a look round the animals (although they were a bit disappointed that there were no rabbits).

The upright position didn't last for long though and normal service was resumed.

Voting was done ........... you can't complain if you don't.

Walking down to collect The Cygnet I was once again struck by the question -- what is the difference between hawthorn and blackthorn?
Nobody I have spoken to has been able to explain it to me (including nature wardens).

SWMBO once again lost weight this week which takes her loss up to 3st since January.
Well done SWMBO!!!!!!

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