
By SLPlearning

Hall of Fame

The 2014 Adult Learners' Week Hall of Fame. This was the shot from the back left hand side of the hall today when we had 150 learners and their nominators attend our role call event to mark Adult Learners' Week in Scotland.

My colleague made a bit of a speech and reminded everyone that Adult Learners' Week is just that- learners' week. He regaled the audience with tales of him making a mistake and calling it Adult Learning Week and being told off for getting it wrong.

Grant Stott presented our award winners with their prizes today and he was on great form. Brightening everyone's day by lifting the spirits through humour and fun, keeping them moving and smiling for the camera.

It was a huge achievement for our semi-finalists to be there today, 35 of the best nominations of 602 all receiving a semi-finalist certificate and prize. It was like the graduations from one of the best Universities and everyone cheered everyone else along.

So just in case you're reading this as one of our semi finalists I'd just like to add my congratulations to those handed out by Grant.

The purpose of adult education is to turn mirrors into windows and open up new possibilities. Achieving the goals you have set yourself means that you have a bright and promising future in front of you, use your learning well.

Words just don't convey your successes adequately so congratulations and best wishes from all of us at Scotland's Learning Partnership!

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