Skidding Swan

Karin's car decided to have a fire today on the way to work, doubtless feeling too cold and thought it would have a warm up, fortunately Karin is fine but this has now pushed us once again to be a one car set up when unfortunately we still need two. At least we have saved on the MOT anyway and got 60 quid from the scrap yard. Sigh.. I am beginning to hate cars these days, will shove the other one in for an MOT on friday and keeping everything crossed that it goes through without too much needing doing or we really are going to have problems.

So going to be an interesting few months whilst we save for another banger.

Anyhoo enough of that whinging, I wandered around Kedleston Hall whilst waiting to pick her up from work and saw this chap skidding and sliding across the ice until it decided that taking off was more preferable to that experience.

bigger swan

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