Everyday Epiphanies

By brandibreeze

Twisted Guttercicle

A twisted icicle hanging from the gutter off the building down by my parking lot. I have to be at work in a couple hours otherwise I would have went in search of something spectacularly beautiful... so today's blip isn't all that creative or artistic, but more just plain natural. I've actually kept my eye on this icicle for a couple days watching it build and change form. Today when heading out to walk Ezra in the park I noticed that the icicle or guttercicle as I like to call it has plumped up and twisted itself as stretches for the earth. Ice is so interesting, how it sparkles and absorbs light, reflecting highlights... or at least I think so, so here you have my blip of the day.

Wishing you all a warm and wonderful day!

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