
By Cari

Painted Hills, Oregon

Glenn and I took off on a 4 day road trip leaving North Bend Wednesday night. We stayed in The Dalles, Oregon that night then up the next morning for a long day of driving. Up to Yakima Washington, over across Idaho then into Missoula Montana... 4 states in one day! Then got up Friday, stopped to see someone in Lolo, Montana then drove down I-95 down the center of Idaho (A most beautiful drive!!) staying in McCall Idaho Friday night (A lovely little lake town). Up Saturday and into Oregon staying in Mitchell Oregon that night. Up on Sunday to see the Painted Hills!! I've wanted to see them for a long time and am I glad we made the detour to do so. Amazing!! Not a lot of time so off we went for home. Got behind one accident causing an hour delay only to get to I-5 and remember that the tunnel on Hwy38 down to the coast is closed after 8pm for repairs. ANOTHER hour delay for a detour. Finally made it home tired but happy :) It was a wonderful drive just the hubby and I!!

Happy Sunday

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