Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The boys!

This morning I took some group shots of the boys at Thomas' school for their year book. I did not want a formal group shot so this is the result! You can see Thomas in the middle with his trumpet - the point was to show the diversity of these young lads with sport, music etc.

Today is the Luke's last day at school. It is all rather emotional and sad, for both him and us. He has loved his five years at senior school and thrived on everything that came his way. The parents and boys attend a Leaver's Service this evening followed by drinks with the headmaster, and then we have a Leaver's Dinner. Then we come home and I believe the boys are going to London to party! It is officially the start of his study leave (although he has already written four exams in between lessons). He now goes back to school only to write exams (and for orchestra rehearsals) and also for the last two days of term when he has his Leaver's Music Concert, Leaver's Ball and last day of term which includes prize giving. The last five years have gone by so quickly and he now faces another chapter in his life, with a gap year abroad perfecting his foreign languages and followed by university to study French and German.

I am really busy today so may not get to comment on journals - I have physio now and then have to pack as Thomas and I are going away for the weekend for a special treat. More about that tomorrow...

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