Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The Reichstag

When I had three small children all under the age of five and life used to seem impossibly difficult at times, I had a friend who said she thought it was important to spend time alone with each child, as all together they never got the attention they deserved. She had a plan to take each child away for a few days at the age of ten. I rather liked this plan and decided to follow her advice, particularly more so when her second child was killed by a hit and run driver and she never got to have that special time with him.

So when Luke turned 13 and was about to finish prep school and embark on senior school I went away with him for 3 days, and I did the same with Adam when he reached the same stage of his life. Gavin reminded me that I had not had my 'special time' with Thomas and so to this end Thomas and I have come away to Berlin for 2 days.

We arrived at about midday and have had a busy day taking in all the sights of Berlin, walking until our legs felt really tired. The Brandenburg Gate, The Reichstag, Potsdamer Platz, the Holocaust much to see and so much history to take in. Some more photos here.

As I only have 2 days here please excuse my lack of comments on journals - I will catch up when I get home on Monday.

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