Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Prom Night!

I haven't stopped since the cock-a-doodle-doo went this morning at 5. So decided to get up and get organised for a busy day ahead at 5.30 after a poor attempt at resuming my peaceful slumber.

Thought the day ahead was going total a total waste of make up as they say, as it was raining, with more rain forecast and Mr C emailed to say that he may be delayed in the sandy place for another two weeks (total two months!) which means I won't be able to go on my annual chill out to Athens (flights already booked). So was miserable all round. :(

However, even though it rained on my Earth Day at school, the children's faces and enthusiasm more than made up for it, despite the dreary wether. Sadly some of the activities had to be taken inside, but they still went on a scavenger hunt, built a stupendous Bug Hotel, made necklaces and bracelets from beads and natures best and...made some Andrew Goldsworthy inspired Art outside.

From work, I had to make a mad dash to get Little Miss E then Munckin 2. I was late! Then off to Piano lessons, while in between thanking greatly a lovely mum who offered to take him to Scouts tonight.

As it was my friends daughters prom, I promised to take some photographs of her before she set off, (just happens to be piano on teacher's daughter too). But Little Miss E wanted to wear a princess dress too, after I explained we were going to see G all dressed up in a pretty dress and princess shoes. Major Diva tantrum narrowly avoided as we were rushing out the door when she couldn't find her foam craft tiara princess crown. Big brother to the reuse by saying 'princesses wear pretty clips too!" And we hastily found one to match her dress. How I ended up with such a girly girl Ill never know!

Anyway, had fun watching the girls get her sister ready, while mum was strictly not allowed to get involved. Took lots of lovely images of G and her sisters and mum and dad, but I've picked this fun shot as my Blip for today. They're just all gorgeous and I hope she has fantastic night, and....prince charming is kicking himself for not asking her to the ball.


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