
By cowgirl

Still no house!

In fact, there's even less done than I thought as even the scaffolding isn't up! ( Our plot is pretty much centre photo, right at the back, probably next to the white frames leaning against the fence ). That's not really a surprise as we're not scheduled to be handed the keys til November. We had a rethink about the colour of the tiles for the bathrooms and toilet ( I'm a simple creature so have gone with the same scheme throughout ) and decided to change them for a lighter colour after having a look around the two houses that are open for inspection. The official show house is the next size up from ours and I wish I hadn't seen it!! But ours will be big enough ... The garden was always going to be smaller than I imagined so I was sort of ready for that.

There is possibly some good news about the price ... Somebody's mortgage lender has contested it and devalued it by £10,000. Obviously the builders are disputing that - fingers crossed whoever decides these things decides in our favour!

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