
By cowgirl


A slow, lazy start to the day for us, but as it rained until almost lunchtime we weren't in any hurry to leave the house early.

Our first stop was the farm, but Mary and Alex have gone on a trip to Ireland ( with their mum and dad! ) so no pictures of them this time. The countryside is full of buttercups at the moment, and I couldn't resist these little chaps wandering around their buttercup filled field. They were mildly curious about the pheasants that were wandering about them ( the game keepers cottage is right next to this field so there are always lots of them about once the shooting season is over ) so left their mums to investigate.

However, they seemed to forget about the mission before they got as far as the pheasant, had a little frisky moment and then wandered back to their mums.

P.S. " Suckies " is what Jean used to call the calves when Rachel ( Mary's mum ) was a baby. " Come on, let's go feed the suckies " as she took buckets of milk off to the groups of calves that had been taken off their mums for hand rearing. No doubt Mary is being told the same now she's out there with them.

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