........och aye the noo.........

Didn't get chance to blip last night........too busy packing.

Here we are back in Glencoe.......a 7 hour trip......because of roadworks on the bonny,bonny banks of Loch Lomond.

Charlotte is in love with the house.............she wants to swap with Uncle Pete......I don't think she has much chance.

We arrived about 4.00...unpacked the cars.......chose rooms........filled the beer fridge.......and the food fridge. Chilli for dinner.......the S & H and I watched the European Cup Final......the Boss and the Daughter took Charlie for a walk to the beach......Young Helen relaxed with a book.

The Boss called me to take this shot.......yes that is snow on the mountain tops.........yes the setting Sun did make the granite glow pink........no I haven't processed the photo at all.

Charlie and Hannah are fast asleep...they went out like lights.......we grown ups are having a drink.......Old Pulteney for me.

I asked the Boss earlier what the plans were for tomorrow.....her reply?........."The plan is...we have no plan!"........sounds like my kind of holiday.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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