..............a boat trip........

I know this shot has nothing to do with a boat trip but the weather was so bad today that the only chance I had to take a shot was this one of the area at the back of the house we are staying in.

The day was .....strange......to say the least.

Awake at 4.50 with a throbbing knee......back to sleep at 6.00.....and awake again at 8.00.........I seem to be sleeping better than I do at home.

I cooked a full English breakfast for everyone (except little Hannah)......bacon, sausage, mushrooms, scrambled egg, beans and toast.

We all went for a wander through the village of Glencoe to the shore....trying to dodge the showers............the Boss, the Son and Heir, the Daughter and Charlie went right down to the water's edge..........Young Helen, Hannah and I stayed at the end of the grassy area...we took in the scenery while I told YH the story of the Glencoe massacre.

I know the Scots have a love of the Royal Family and a poetic bent but YH and I couldn't help but laugh at one of the information boards we looked at that described a view of three mountains as "resembling a recumbent Queen Victoria".....I mean who had a knowledge of what a recumbent QV looked like and then visited Glencoe...and looked down the loch....and saw three mountains...and thought ..."I know who that reminds me of!"

The Visitors Centre...for coffee and cake.....back to the house...into the cars and off to the Corran Ferry to see if the weather was any better..........it wasn't...it was worse......we got wet waiting for the ferry....wet on the ferry and wet on the other side! A quick visit to the Inn....a beer and nibbles and back on the next ferry......it's a good job we went across as foot passengers for free.

Back to the house.............the S &H made spag bol for dinner...........we had a quiet evening reading.....and were all in bed by 11.00........the midges were back again as night fell.

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