Fire in the Sky

Today was a hard day, a day I am going to be glad to see end. It is funny how when we reflect on things everybody sees them differently; or maybe I am just out of step with what everyone else thinks and feels. I hope the hurt fades!!

There was a positive, I discovered a new singer songwriter, I read an article purely by chance online and took a chance to listen to a track. Many of you know my passion is music and that I have a huge collection, it really takes a lot to stop me in my tracks during a first play of an album and just sit quietly and listen. Today was one of those rare days, the artist... Adam Holmes, he is young, only 23, but reminded me of a young John Martyn. the voice, the beautiful guitar playing, the power of the lyrics I was stunned by how this album reached out and took hold of my heart and how it moved me. I have listened and re-listened and to be honest, already, these songs feel like old friends, like songs I have heard and enjoyed all my life. I commend it to you....

Yesterday you will all know of the fire at te Glasgow School of Art, a place I loved dearly and often walked to and enjoyed looking at. I could not bring myself to shoot there yesterday, seeing the devastation of the building, the distress of the people was heartbreaking and it did not feel right to exploit that scene. I hear today the Westminster government had pledged millions to assist in the reinstatement of this historic and truly iconic and most special place. I do not often comment on political events but for once it seems politicians have seen the value of a place to the city and the people and it is praise worthy that they see fit to ensure that this is returned to its former glory for future generations

As for the shot, a sweeping sky as the sun took her leave, just a simple shot which I hope you enjoy

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