Breakfast at the inaugural Katoomba Growers Market

I feel a bit of a cow choosing this shot, as it really was rather nice at Katoomba High this morning, the day was unseasonably lovely, it was their very first market, there were plenty of people there and the whole thing will be a terrific addition to everyone's calendar.

But what a contrast to the fabulous social time we have at our Blackheath market where everyone sits in the park in the sun (ok, we could have more of that, yeah, yeah), facing each other, chatting over breakfast.

The market folk were wanting to do a fortnightly market at Blackheath, but this is a much better solution. Too much wear and tear on the Blackheath park, not enough time for others (especially community groups) that want to use the hall and this way Katoomba High also gets some extra income and has a valuable opportunity to integrate with their community.

Winners all round.

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