Quietly in port

After the excitement and the warm sunshine of yesterday, today was quieter and more peaceful. It's overcast and much chillier but we have been so fortunate with the weather up to now. Rough at times but it has not lasted on each occasion so far.

We are at anchor just off the East Iceland small port of Djupivogur. We went ashore on a tender (a ship's lifeboat). You can see the tender in the photo in the centre at sea level. I took the shot on the return trip from the other tender.

Djupivogur was chosen for bird cliffs and because it's in driving distance of one of the accessible glaciers. The ship has been quiet today while so many were on the trips. We just pottered.

It's a small port with fishing. Charming and there is a lovely art work in which the eggs of the birds found in the region have been beautifully sculpted in the exact colours. One hotel. A small museum, a fast food place and a touristy cafe. We had a lovely walk and just relaxed.

This trip isn't glitzy and the other passengers are interesting and most are very friendly. Of course there are complaints - mainly when people have different expectations of the trips. (Whale watching with no whales. Arctic Fox centre with no arctic foxes. Shortage of loos. Long distance. Expensive and intermittent wifi. Rough sea to cross to an island etc). It happens. That's life. And at sea it's no different.

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