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...are juicy caterpillars!!

Standing in the middle of a field, thunderous black stormy clouds overhead, I could hear an agitated tweeting from various birds.

Skylarks were overhead giving it their all, a robin was bursting with song in the hedge, there was a blackbird in the distance but the nearest 'chaihr..chaihr..' was a pair of Whitethroat warblers. Bombing in and out of the cover crop which was abundant in the most glorious flowers was this little guy, a summer visitor to Britain from the Sahara. The numbers in Britain declined massively in 1968 due to a severe drought in the Sahara, to 600,000 pairs and since then have declined even more.

Beakful after beakful was being ferried into the chicks, nowhere to be seen. The parents sure didn't want me around and I think they were cleverly leading me away from the nest!

I have to say if it wasn't for blipping I wouldn't have gone out there and seen them for the first time today.

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