
By bivbov

What's that tickling Daddy's ear?

There were real 'belly laughs' this morning when I tucked this little rabbit, (a particular favourite at the moment), behind Mr C's right ear. He played along by complaining that something was tickling his ear. Noo thought it was hilarious!!! I was a bit worried about him laughing so much - he didn't have a nappy on...

Now, for the record, Mr C insists that his hair is brown. The rest of us think that it is black! We're always debating the issue. Opinions please....(although clearly he has a bit of tip ex in his hair at the moment :-)) ?!?!

Sunny here in Sussex today, and rather hot!! I ran from home to Pevensey across the levels. There was very little shade and I was at melting point when I finished. Luckily, I finished at a Starbucks! Sadly they were all out of cake :-(

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