
By cate1

Almost done. Riomaggiore to Porto Venere.

15km with ascent and descent of 580m.

40 min train ride to Riomaggiore, then about 1.5 hours walking to point in first blip. Path quite good, lots of cheery conversations on the way. Our destination, Porto Venere lies just on the other side of the point at sea level. The D walkers had spent the morning in PV and then got a boat over to the small island and were walking around that.

Robb giving Jen a helping hand down a quite slippery sandy path leading into the town.

Ian and Jim just thankful the walking is finished.

Good day's walking. About 10 in the group today. Despite the challenges a great week's holiday in beautiful sunshine with stunning views. Great crowd of people. Lots of laughs over dinner.

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