
By LorsDors

Girl cousins

Sunday again. We did the usual Sunday things like swimming n gymming and then watched folk running the Edinburgh marathon which was humbling and Am-A-Zing in equal measure. I was waiting to see if I could spot a super spesh pal running by and almost missed her for gabbing. Fortunately, she spotted me and I was able to do a big whoop in her honour. Then I went all a bit teary... I don't know why but a marathon always can be relied upon to get me to well up... All that triumph over adversity... Etc etc.


And blimey, that rain! Hail and proper heavens opening... That must have sucked to run in.

After lunch we went to visit cousins... The girls LOVE their big girl cousin... Here they are watching telly together.

It was quite hard to persuade them to come home.

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