
By lyndylooloo

And the band played on...

After such a big day yesterday we had a lovely breakfast at the hotel with loads of the other wedding guests & the bride & groom. Miniman helpfully played with all of the groomsmen who were nursing hangovers, chasing & shouting after them. They all took it in good humour and kept him amused for ages. We then got to join the happy couple as they opened the wedding gifts before they had to clear out the room and start the clear up while we checked out, though The First Grand Hotel was most accommodating with us for holding luggage etc so we could head off into the town to try to find a park for a while. What we found though was much more exciting.

Alingsås hand ball team had won the country championship the evening before and preparations were being made in the town square for a huge welcome back celebration. There was to be a rock band & a presentation and much cheering by lots of adoring fans so we had a small trip to the park then came back to find a swelling population of blue & white clad fans gathering and a band had started to blast out old 80's favourites.

After a brief look around we found a coffee shop for a bite to eat and miniman ordered a specially made celebratory cake decorated in blue & white but never managed to eat it as his eyes were closing so I trotted over to a small garden area at the far side of the square and we sat on a bench. Within minutes he was sound asleep so I lifted him onto the grass with his head in the shade and there he slept... for two hours while the band played & the crowds roared as each player was introduced onto the stage. He came round just in time to watch everyone leave!

This evening we said goodbye to Carole who had her flight booked back to London and went to see the newlyweds at home and had pizza while the kids played. I think miniman might have another girlfriend over here in Cherise. They gave each other flowers before we left tonight :)

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