
By Moiety

Task: Find five morels in the picture

Today we drove all the way to Vilppula with my mother- and father-in-law to their summerhouse. The day started grey and rainy, but it turned out quite warm and sunny in the end.

It was a nice day in the countryside looking at the wonders of the nature and picking some morels in the woods nearby. A's parents were taking a first look at their summer house after the long winter, while we went looking for mushrooms.

This picture shows you how difficult it is to spot these browninsh mushrooms from the grey-brown ground. We managed to find enough for a few delicious morel soups or sauces.

Boiled some Italian new potatoes for lunch and had my salmon gelee with it it - American pancakes and Spanish strawberries as a dessert, so the cuisine was very international, again!

Took A's parents back to Tampere just in time to go and vote in the EU elections. Both of our candidates went through, too, so it will be interesting to see how they take care of our best interests over there in Brussels.

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