
By Cygnus

Smash and grab

Oh dear, I fear that the magpies may have been successful in their skulk around the garden, as I think this is a chaffinch egg. I found this smashed shell quite a way from the nest and it's unlikely to have been blown here by the wind.

The Ards Man hasn't seen the parents around the nest lately, so I'm afraid they may have abandoned it. I'm sad about this as it's the first time birds have nested so close to the house and it was lovely to watch the comings and goings. The male had a spectacular reaction to his reflection in the garage window, too, with much strutting about on the windowsill. He would turn away and then turn back again really quickly - we watched this behaviour for ages one sunny day in the garden and it was most entertaining!

There isn't anything we can do about our bully magpies, though, as we can't patrol the garden at all hours. I guess we should try to put up some bird boxes that are too small for larger birds to force their way into. Next year .......

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